Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Today's devotional with JoyceMeyer

Sleep in Peace by Joyce Meyer - posted July 30, 2014

In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You, Lord, alone make me dwell in safety and confident trust. —Psalm 4:8

In the quiet of the evening after a long day, it’s not unusual to
think about and evaluate the events of the day. But thoughts can
be disturbing, especially if you faced problems that remain

Sometimes these thoughts are not easy to turn off and can
threaten to rob you of a peaceful night’s sleep. But staying awake
and worrying will not change or improve the situation at all.
This is a good time to share your concerns with God and ask for
His help. He tells us in His Word to cast our cares on Him, so give
your thoughts to Him and trust Him to provide a solution. Then lie down and sleep in peace.

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