Thursday, 7 August 2014


Why Do Men Watch Porn?
Real love is the "common denominator" among
people who break free from pornography, says faith blogger and
recovering porn addict Matt Aujero. Speaking for a summer
Theology on Tap series Tuesday, Aujero recounted his own
struggles with pornography as a college student and later as a
husband. In those times, he said, the real love of God, his
brothers in Christ and his wife rescued him.

Real love, Aujero told the crowd of young adults, is "something
that porn can never ever measure up to" because real love sets
higher expectations than settling for self-fulfillment. Porn, he
explained, "prevents men and women from becoming the men
and women they were meant to be for God, for their significant
others and their loved ones."

The Catholic writer behind the blog noted
that porn breaks up one in four marriages and even may lead to
erectile dysfunction. Most notably, Matt discovered that porn is a
poor way to fill the void that has long existed in his own life.
"I was spending my entire life chasing girls and never being
fulfilled," he said. It was not until he finally took himself away
from the distractions of relationships and seeking love online
that he discovered only God's love can make him feel wholly

Now a mentor, Aujero sees that same void in other porn addicted
men. He described, "There's a lot of reasons why guys look at
porn and there's boredom and there's stress, but there's
something deeper there when I work with guys and there's this
deeper love and guys, we want to bring our heart to someone,
we want to bring it out to a woman and often, unfortunately, we
bring our heart to the women on the internet."

He summed, "Only the perfect person – God – can fulfill that
[void] and it wasn't until I got to bring my heart to God when
things started turning around."
How Love Defeats Porn

Aujero's journey away from porn has involved friends and family members who continually reflected God's love and challenged him to grow spiritually.

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"Anthony (Aujero's accountability partner) was the first guy ever
in my life to basically say the words, 'look man, I don't judge you
but I care enough about you and I love you enough to not let you
stay where you are,'" he recalled. His wife Mimi echoed those
same words when he returned to his porn addiction during their
first year of marriage.

He concluded his speech on the rooftop terrace of the Catholic
Information Center by encouraging the men listening to let real
love defeat porn in their lives so they could fully love the people
around them.

Theology on Tap is a program of the Catholic Archdiocese of
Washington's Office of Young Adult Ministry. Aujero's T.O.T.
Talk and others reach out to young adults .

source: christanpost

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