Sunday, 3 August 2014

NEWS:: Republican Senators Introduce Bill to Protect Faith- Based Adoption Agencies

Two Republican senators have introduced a bill to prohibit the
federal or state governments from taking any adverse action
against adoption or foster-care agencies that decline to provide
services that go against their religious beliefs or moral

Senators Mike Enzi, from Wyoming, and Rep. Mike Kelly, from
Pennsylvania, introduced the Child Welfare Provider Inclusion
Act of 2014 to "ensure that organizations with religious or moral
convictions are allowed to continue to provide services for

Three chairmen of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops –
Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco, Archbishop
William E. Lori of Baltimore and Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski
of Miami – have backed the bill.

"[O]ur first and most cherished freedom, religious liberty, is to be
enjoyed by all Americans, including child welfare providers who
serve the needs of our most vulnerable – children," the three
said in a letter of support.

The Maryland-based Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance,
which seeks to safeguards the religious identity and faith-
shaped standards and services of faith-based organizations,
says in its newsletter that the bill might be seen as an "anti-
Stark" bill.

Former Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.) earlier introduced the "Every
Child Deserves a Family Act," which would have stripped federal
funding from states that do not require every private adoption
and foster-care agency to recruit families and place children
without regard to sexual orientation, marital status, or gender

"Stark's bill would have used federal funding to exclude many
faith-based providers from providing these child-welfare
services; the Enzi/Kelly bill seeks to use federal funding to
ensure that states do not exclude those providers from serving
children and families," it says.

The Enzi/Stark bill can be compared to an amendment that was
successfully promoted by Sen. Frank Church, a Democrat from
Idaho, after the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision in
1973, the group adds.

That amendment said any hospital or other federally funded
program is prohibited from denying employment to a doctor or
nurse because of the health professional's objection to
participating in abortion or sterilization.

The Commonwealth of Virginia adopted a law with a similar
protective effect in 2012, the group points out.
In 2011, an Illinois Senate committee shot down a bill that would
allow religious child welfare organizations to turn away
adoption and foster care applications by gay couples.
Rep. Paul Ryan, who is considered a possible presidential
nominee for 2016, said last May he regretted voting to ban
same-sex couples in the District of Columbia from adopting

"Adoption, I would vote differently these days," Ryan said. "That
was a vote I think I took in my first term, in 1999 or 2000. I do
believe that if there are children who are orphans who do not
have a loving person or couple, I think if a person wants to love
and raise a child they ought to be able to do that. Period. So, I
would vote that way."

The bill to protect faith-based adoption agencies says its
purpose is "to prohibit governmental entities from discriminating or taking an adverse action against a child welfare service provider on the basis that the provider declines to provide a child welfare service that conflicts, or under circumstances that conflict, with the sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions of the provider."

It also seeks to "protect child welfare service providers' exercise
of religion and to ensure that governmental entities will not be
able to force those providers, either directly or indirectly, to
discontinue all or some of their child welfare services because
they decline to provide a child welfare service that conflicts, or
under circumstances that conflict, with their sincerely held
religious beliefs or moral convictions."

Given that federal judges in many states have struck down state
amendments and laws banning same-sex marriage as
unconstitutional, faith-based adoption agencies are facing

Same-sex marriage is currently recognized in 19 states –
California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New
Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, Vermont, and Washington – and the District of Columbia.

source: christianpost

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