Friday, 1 August 2014

Today's meditationwith JoyceMeyer

How to Gain Wisdom by Joyce Meyer - August 02, 2014

If you will turn (repent) and give heed to my reproof, behold, I
[Wisdom] will pour out my spirit upon you, I will make my words known to you. (Proverbs 1:23)

We need to pray and obey God’s leading when He speaks to us.
Obedience is not to be an occasional event for us; it is to be our
way of life. There’s a big difference between people who are
willing to obey God daily and those who are willing to obey only to get out of trouble. God certainly shows people how to get out of trouble, but He bestows abundant blessings on those who decide to live wholeheartedly for Him and who make obedience to Him their lifestyle. The only pathway to true peace is obedience to God.

Many people obey God in the big issues, but they aren’t aware that obedience in the little things makes a difference in His plan for their lives. The Bible says plainly that if we are not faithful in the little things, we will never be made rulers over much (see Luke 19:17). There is no reason for God to trust us with a major
responsibility if we are not going to be faithful to do the little
things He has asked us to do.

I strongly urge you to be obedient to God even in the smallest of
things. A sixteenth-century monk called Brother Lawrence was
well known for walking continually in the presence of God. He said that he was pleased to pick up a piece of straw from the ground in obedience to God and because he loved Him.

In the verse for today, God says He will make known His words to us if we listen to Him when He corrects us. If we follow His
guidance and are pleased to do each little thing He asks of us,
then He will open His wisdom to us, and we will have more
revelation than we could ever imagine.

God’s word for you today: If you are faithful in little things, God
will make you ruler over greater things.

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